
import * as _ from 'lodash'

export default getTruthyKeys

 * Gets the keys associated with truthy values in given collection.
 * @param collection Collection to iterate over.
 * @param parseKeyFunction Function invoked per iteration. This
 * function takes as parameter a key of a truthy value. The value it returns
 * will be used in resulting list.
 * @returns New list with just the keys of truthy entries.
function getTruthyKeys<T extends object, TResult>(
  collection: T | null | undefined,
  parseKeyFunction?: (key: string) => TResult
): (string | TResult)[] {
  const isFunction = _.isFunction(parseKeyFunction)

  return _.reduce(collection, function (acc: (string | TResult)[], value, key) {
    if (value) {
      const parsedKey = parseKeyFunction && isFunction ? parseKeyFunction(key) : key
    return acc
  }, [])

declare module 'lodash' {
  interface LoDashStatic {
     * Gets the keys associated with truthy values in given collection.
     * @param collection Collection to iterate over.
     * @param parseKeyFunction Function invoked per iteration. This
     * function takes as parameter a key of a truthy value. The value it returns
     * will be used in resulting list.
     * @returns New list with just the keys of truthy entries.
    getTruthyKeys<T extends object, TResult>(
      collection: T | null | undefined,
      parseKeyFunction?: (key: string) => TResult
    ): (string | TResult)[]

  interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<TValue> {
     * @see _.getTruthyKeys
    getTruthyKeys<T extends object, TResult>(
      this: LoDashImplicitWrapper<T[] | null | undefined>,
      parseKeyFunction?: (key: string) => TResult
    ): LoDashImplicitWrapper<(string | TResult)[]>

  interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<TValue> {
     * @see _.getTruthyKeys
    getTruthyKeys<T extends object, TResult>(
      this: LoDashExplicitWrapper<T[] | null | undefined>,
      parseKeyFunction?: (key: string) => TResult
    ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<(string | TResult)[]>