
import * as _ from 'lodash'

import mGet from './mGet'

export default sumMultipleFinite

 * Returns the `sum` of multiple values from an object, adding just the `finite` ones.
 * @param object Object to be queried.
 * @param arrayOfKeys Array with the paths of the properties to get.
 * @return Number with the sum of the values for the given key paths.
export function sumMultipleFinite <
  Collection extends object,
  CollectionKey extends keyof Collection
> (
  object: Collection,
  arrayOfKeys: CollectionKey[]
): (number) {
  return _.sum(_.filter(mGet(object, arrayOfKeys), _.isFinite))

declare module 'lodash' {
  interface LoDashStatic {
     * Returns the `sum` of multiple values from an object, adding just the `finite` ones.
     * @param object Object to be queried.
     * @param arrayOfKeys Array with the paths of the properties to get.
     * @return Number with the sum of the values for the given key paths.
      Collection extends object,
      CollectionKey extends keyof Collection
    > (
      object: Collection,
      arrayOfKeys: CollectionKey[]
    ): number

  interface LoDashImplicitWrapper<TValue> {
     * @see _.sumMultipleFinite
      CollectionKey extends keyof TValue
      this: LoDashImplicitWrapper<TValue | null | undefined>,
      arrayOfKeys: CollectionKey[]
    ): LoDashImplicitWrapper<(number)>

  interface LoDashExplicitWrapper<TValue> {
    * @see _.sumMultipleFinite
      CollectionKey extends keyof TValue
      this: LoDashExplicitWrapper<TValue | null | undefined>,
      arrayOfKeys: CollectionKey[]
    ): LoDashExplicitWrapper<(number)>